New Thought is a spiritual path or movement formed primarily by Suffragettes. Abolitionists
and Free Thinkers guided by Core Concepts which include: co-creation,
human rights and scientific thinking.
New Thought teachings are based on the observation of Universal Spiritual Principles
undergirding all spiritual paths and religions. New Thought recognizes that the
driving force which serves as a crucible for personal and social transformation is "as we
change our thinking, we change our lives." This is the same
principle which underpins cognitive psychology.
The 1914 book
Message of New Thought defines New Thought spirituality as "a
term used to convey the idea of growing or developing thought. In
considering this subject, the word "New" should be duly and freely
emphasized, because the expression "New Thought" relates only to what is new
and progressive."
While there is some wonderful folklore regarding the
orgins of New Thought,
New Thought history is not as simple as some would depict it, nor as complex
as others choose to make it.
These core concepts of original New Thought
are the basis of New Thought Today / New Thought 3.1 and provide the reason why New Thought
Millennials embrace the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
for guidance in principle and practice.
There are many wonderful New Thought organizations with diverse root texts and a variety of approaches to those texts and distinct methods of teaching.
It is important to do your research both through reading and also through
visiting various New Thought communities to determine the best fellowship for
In the light of the powerful resurgence of New Thought in the form of New
Thought 3.1 evidenced by increasing patronage of,
we examine why "late New Thought" communities have declining attendance
and "late New Thought" talks, including videos on the web hold little appeal,
and contrast this with the wide appeal of original New Thought texts and media,
and why New Thought leaders teaching
New Thought 3.1 attract growing audiences.
This examination
supports New Thought seekers to understand why their visits to late New
Thought communities are not always inspiring, in contrast to their
explorations of original New Thought teachings and the works built upon
those teachings which reveal a dynamic and wonderful spiritual path which is
both uplifting and practical. These insights should also help New
Thought leaders with an interest in growing attendance at their communities
to comprehend why 49% of late New Thought communities have closed since 1999
and begin the process of personal change necessary to rekindling the
spiritual light within themselves and thereby rebuilding attendance at their
We will look at what led to such a dramatic shrinkage and why attendance at
late New
Thought communities continued shrinking, such that from 2011 to 2015,
an additional 21% of those Communities closed.
People around the globe return again and again to New Thought Library and
the other resources built by
Serving New Thought. We provide links to the Universal New Thought
Directory system helping visitors find and visit New Thought Centres, yet
more often than not, people leave those centers in search of different
spiritual communities. We are happy that some stay, but
concerned about the fact that so many people inspired by the original New
Thought teachings leave today's New Thought communities.
Serving New Thought is the brain child of Dr. Avalon, Doc Spot and a group
other compassionate souls.
We understood that by serving New Thought adherents and spiritual seekers with a Universal New Thought
Directory, and comprehensive online library of New Thought texts and media,
we empower millions of people around the globe with New Thought
Spiritual teachings. We know for such endeavors to thrive we
must adhere to principles which support exploration of New Thought spirituality without
favoritism toward any particular New Thought group. We illuminate the truth
with love and kindness while avoiding the tendency to fall into meaningless
fluff through equivocation or avoidance of handling hard issues.
We have an open door policy to help New Thought communities and to this end
we have provided free websites and hosting to hundreds of New Thought
It should be noted that this work
was not always embraced by "late New Thought" leaders. We even received
letters from the leader of one organization expressing his anger that we
process New Thought texts in the public domain and place them online
in the for free. We
discovered that this particular group has a large air-conditioned facility
filled with archives of New Thought teachings, yet they never endeavored to
share these texts with the public via the World Wide Web. Instead,
they charged a per page fee to people seeking copies of the texts in their
library. Thus it is understandable that they were unhappy that
we share these texts for free via the world wide web. Our motivation
for doing this is simple. We believe that New Thought is the most
imporant spiritual teaching in the world. We believe that through New
Thought, real New Thought, not Late New Thought, but actual real New Thought
can change the world for the better. We provide public domain New
Thought texts for free to all who wish to read them and we provide platforms
for contemporary New Thought Writers and owners of New Thought media
and materials to reach larger audiences by providing us with permission in writing for their works to be included.
We remind all readers that through love of New Thought and
illumination of the truth of the evolution of this spiritual path, we are
seeing record numbers of New Thought adherents. When we discovered
that while New Thought is growing, attendance at New Thought Centers is
shrinking, we reached out to New Thought Centers and New Thought communities
to let them know we provide services that can help them. Those who
have availed themselves of our services and become Prosperity Centers have
never failed.
We appreciate your
financial support helping us continue this work.
Our early efforts were not informed by an awareness of
the distortions and deviations from the original New Thought teachings which
occurred in the latter half of the 20th Century and are now termed "late New
Thought." As we built these resources and were joined by others in
expanding them, we discovered increasing amounts of important texts which
reveal the truth of New Thought origins, the importance of primal New
Thought and why New Thought is such a powerful spiritual path.
As mentioned above, since 1999, 49% of New Thought Centers have closed.
These closures are due to sad and useless deviations on the part of some late
New Thought leaders away from the original principles and core concepts of
New Thought.
New Thought Millennials call this phenomena: The
Thrall. Perhaps the thrall occurred due to a lack of knowledge
about original New Thought, perhaps this lack was encouraged through
"Folklore" and "Mythologies" which supported particular institutions or
points of view but did not serve New Thought Seekers and were not in
alignment with original New Thought principles and core concepts. Whatever
led to The Thall is not as important as the fact that through recognizing
it, we can place it firmly in the past as an aberration and remember it as a
lesson for the future.
Those who fell under the
Thrall embraced FU-ism, "Prosperity Gospels,"and at times deviated
so far from the original tenets of New Thought as to embrace Eddyism / Illusionism.
As our research shows, early New Thought adherents rejected Eddyism /
Illusionism and her teachings which were characterized by narcissism.
The Late New Thought leaders who fell under the Thrall were like zombie orb
weaver spiders turned into slaves by parasitic wasp larva which causes them
to deviate from highest good, then die in the ignoble cause of building the
larva's cocoon. Their communities slowly died due to zombie adherence
to FU-ism etc...
Early New Thought leaders embraced the core concepts of co-creation, human
rights and scientific thinking which included embracing evolution leading to
the concept of spiritual evolution which teaches that not only do life forms
evolve, so do thought forms.
For Eddyism / Illusionism to be included in New Thought, we would have
to go against Mary Baker Eddy's own teachings which reject such an inclusion.
Then we would have to reject the multitude of extant works which point out
the absolute absurdity of Christian Science / Eddyism and point out the huge
differences between New Thought versus Eddyism. Such a leap
would entail using folklore and mythology to
forward such a distortion. The consequence of such distortions are not
pretty. In fact this is why New Thought Millennials call such
absurdities: The
Thought is at times called "Truth
Teaching" because Universal Spiritual Principles grounded
within Ancient Wisdom confirmed by scientific thought are empowering truths
which support people to be happier and healthier. This is why The
Thrall represents a temporary degeneration from original New Thought
teachings with the dire consequence of dramatic shrinkage of attendance at
late New Thought communities led by ministers under The Thrall.
Teachings which
encourage callousness, lead to inhumane behaviors that culminate in the abuse of
human rights and a degeneration of civil society; such teachings are not
New Thought teachings.
New Thought 3.1 is growing and thriving
because of its embrace of the
UDHR, inclusive understanding of Universal
Spiritual Principles, and science as a way of thinking.
Attendance is fading at late New Thought centers whose leaders fell under what New
Thought Millennials call "the
thrall". The Thrall resulted in the closing of over 49% of New Thought communities since 1999.
New Thought Millennials feel the decline in attendance at late New Thought
Communities is simply the function of Spiritual Evolution eliminating
those leaders less fit to provide proper leadership.
New Thought 3.1 has more adherents
by percentage and numbers than any of the late New Thought forms. As
today's New Thought leadership awakens from the thrall and returns to the
Universal Spiritual Principles / Truth Teachings, attendance at New Thought
communities will grow.
Reasons that New Thought 3.1 is growing:
The UDHR is the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights. New Thought Millennials consider this to be the highest spiritual teaching which flowed to Humanity through Humanity. All previous spiritual teachings that do not agree with the
UDHR are no longer valid and must be discarded.
In the latter half of the 20th Century, some New Thought leaders began
discarding the original New Thought teachings embracing odd concepts
that had nothing to do with New Thought. This was primarily due to
post World War 2 economic transformations in the United States which
emphasized salesmanship over creativity. The consequence of this
shift had negative
effects across the spectrum of society including New Thought organizations. Under "the thrall" of delusions engendered through what Wisdom Holders
have recognized as Nonsense Teachings, some spiritual leaders embraced FU-ism.
FU-ism is a teaching which centers on the self without regard to others. While
FU-ism may be empowering in some professions.
FU-ism is characterized by the old Dominator paradigm and is thus
antagonistic to the New Thought core concept of co-creation.
FU-ism is therefore diametrically opposed to the Partnership paradigm.
In light of the evidence provided by the recent economic cataclysm
created through a partnership between Phil Gramm and the Clintons, it is
clear that spiritual leaders embracing compassionate action will not be
aligned with either party, but rather
with humanity. We need sensible leadership capable of
learning the lessons of the past and making decisions in the future
which will lead to a better future for the greatest amount of people.
New Thought teaches that change begins within,
and New Thought adherents have a responsibility to co-create a more compassionate world.
New Thought leaders are tasked to be life long learners who understand
that Wisdom is manifested through the combination of knowledge with
New Thought 3.1 embraces the truth that a core teaching of New Thought is co-creation.
Riane Eisler's work on the Partnership Paradigm illustrates the power of
co-creation in maintaining and creating a more compassionate world. Riane Eisler recognizes and explores this
potent paradigm in her works which form a core set of teachings for
New Thought 3.1.
The word corporation can be broken down to: corpor = body a =
without ratio = soul A corporation is a legal entity created by
the filing of papers with a state. It is essentially a "body
without a soul." Within the United States, the 14th Amendment has
been exploited to extend the concept of "corporate personhood" to such
legal entities granting them the rights of living people. This odd
extension presents a clear and present danger to all people because a
stack of papers does not have thoughts or feelings and is unable to
demonstrate the responsibility that are generally concomitant with
human rights.
The New Millennium ushered in the most bizarre
legal manipulation ever conceived when the U.S. Supreme Court
essentially ruled that political bribery in the U.S. is legal, through a
ruling titled Citizens United. The results of this ruling
were joyfully summed up by U.S. politician Mitt Romney as meaning:
"Corporations are people, my friend."
New Thought Millennials reject
the concept that a stack of papers can have more than a limited set of
rights and assert that Human Rights must always be given deference vis a
vis the rights of "Corporate persons." We believe that human beings
are people and corporations are stacks of papers not qualified to have
the same rights as a living natural person. We believe the highest
and most profound spiritual wisdom imparted to humanity through humanity
is the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Corporations are not
people and to manipulate legal interpretations of corporate personhood,
to call them such, is a blatant distortion of spiritual truth which opens
the door to dreadful consequences.
While some late New Thought adherents spent inordinate amounts of time
interpreting the various apocalyptic prophesies of a variety of
religions, focusing primarily on the mental illness that manifests
through Abrahamic traditions. New Thought 3.1 rejects all forms of
Apocalypticism. New Thought Millennials embrace the wisdom taught
in Chapter 3 of the Lotus Sutra that apocalyptic prophesies, predicting
the world will perish in a pool of fire, are simply nonsense stories
designed to manipulate certain people in ancient times. We know
these to be false prophesies leading to dismal and destructive behavior.
We are aware of the teaching in Chapter 15 of the Lotus Sutra that when
many people fall into such false delusions, the
Bodhisattvas of the Earth will emerge and begin teaching the higher
wisdom which will awaken higher wisdom in all who hear. We
understand that the Bodhisattvas of the Earth are those people with the
courage and fortitude to speak the truth even when it is unpopular,
especially when the truth is essential to the preservation of life, love
and freedom. New Thought 3.1 rejects all forms of Apocalypticism knowing
that this world is a beautiful biosphere worthy of stewardship and care
and that all people are worthy of love even if they are suffering from
In 2014, Thomas Picketty published the most important work in economics
in over 100 years. For the first time in history, computers were
used to crunch the
numbers going all the way back to the 16th Century providing insights
undergirded by a firm foundation of economic history. Coming on
the heels of economic destruction wrought by those who discarded the
lessons learned by previous generations, Capital in the Twenty-First
Century shows that democracy and human rights provide, those parts
of humanity embracing them, the tools to insure ongoing peace and
prosperity. Piketty transformed economic discourse through
recognizing certain essential principles necessary to maintenance of a
society's peace and prosperity: A. universal access to higher education for
all tax payers and their children; B. universal provision of health and
dental care for all citizens; C. recognition and implementation of the
in that society; D. a proper system of taxation which insures that social
services, including universal education and provision of health and
dental care, are fully funded.
FU-ists ask "why economic inequality
matters?" This is the knee jerk question from anyone who does not
understand the power of partnership and importance of opportunity.
Economic inequality historically leads to internal social dissent,
terrorism and revolution. Among the world's nations,
Iceland's parliament, the Althing, was formed in 930 by Vikings,
yet the United States maintains the distinction of being
oldest republic in the world which has not
experienced any radical change. Early founding fathers such
as Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson provided essential paradigms
regarding human rights. Early taxation within the USA was based on
tariffs and provided protection for nascent industries. With the
evolution of technology and development of new methods of finance,
governance had to evolve in order to protect human rights in the face of
the overwhelming concentration of wealth by small groups and individuals
who had no scruples with regard to the rights of regular folk.
decadent societies human rights are not considered important.
Generally decadent societies are rooted within cultures that recognize
particular religions. However today's corporations are accruing increasing
power throughout the world and through unbridled power due to a failure
to regulate these "Bodies Without Souls", thus said entities are increasingly
presenting a Clear and Present Danger to the spiritual and material
existence of humanity. This
concentration of wealth and consequent accumulation of power is endangering the global biosphere
as these entities suppress regulations in order to increase profits.
A culture which acts without regard to the rights of humanity to a
healthy global biosphere, endangering the safety and well being of all
life on earth, is by definition decadent because such actions signal a
decay of the underlying foundations of Civil Society which is leading to
destructive patterns that echo the destructive tendencies of previous decadent
societies with regard to human rights.
Thus there are two types
of entities which endanger all life on earth and share a common
disregard for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Societies that
use religion, or any other excuse to deny the highest spiritual wisdom
embodied in the UDHR; and unregulated corporations that influence
governments to circumvent regulations or prevent their enforcement
leading to the degradation of the environment upon which all life is
How can existing New Thought Communities increase attendance?
Since the beginning of the New Millennium, 81% of these closures were
late New Thought centers belonging to old 19th and 20th Century
"Transdenominations", 19% were independent New Thought communities. This
decline in attendance correlates with the abandonment of key Core Concepts of
New Thought by those ministers whose primary mentality was that which
the writers term "late New Thought." In 1948, humanity manifested the
most important Spiritual
Teaching of all time: The
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Spiritual leaders that
recognized this truth were on the forefront of human spiritual
development. Sadly not all spiritual leaders embraced
this truth and took on the mantle of leadership to support social
transformation in alignment with the highest spiritual teaching.
In some cases this was due to the constraints of laws within their
societies which codified racial discrimination and thus engendered fear
on the part of spiritual leaders to oppose such laws. In other
cases societies were constrained by political systems which prevented
anyone from expression of thought outside of defined or in some cases
undefined orthodoxy. This type of constraint continues.
we can observe that those leaders having the character and fortitude to
support the UDHR and its tenets are immortal in the memory and respect of humanity
throughout the world: This supports the saying: "Those embracing
the truth of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights will live forever, those
denying the truth will be cleansed from the memory of humanity, the same as dust in the wind is avoided,
and wiped away as useless grime which obscures that to which it clings."
New Thought embraces the
UDHR, and science as a way of thinking. In some cases
ministers with good hearts made the mistake of embracing nonsense
teachings which have nothing to do with New Thought. Some ministers lost their
way in their quest for riches or power at the expense of others.
These ministers left the fold, but at times created confusion. They were not New Thought leaders. They were simply spiritual leaders
who fell under "the thrall." Great New Thought spiritual leaders
are compassionate and capable. While lesser spiritual leaders are
looking for a job on the stage, great New Thought leaders are the
producers behind the scenes. While at times they in the spotlight,
most of the time they are mentoring others. The great New Thought
leaders can be recognized by the fact that they are not seeking the
greatest number of followers, rather such Spiritual Leaders are invested
in creating the greatest number of teachers.
Some Spiritual Leaders have purchased "Crystal Beds" to make money.
Such individuals are not truly New Thought leaders, in fact, they are often the
same people offering "pilgrimages" to John of God or expensive seminars in
the mountains with the bonus of a "Jar of Celestial Substance." While
John of God is wonderful, we must be cautious to distinguish such New
Age leaders from New Thought Spiritual Leaders. We must also
recognize that some New Thought "Transdenominations" are sending conflicting
messages through their embrace of such "nonsense teachings".
Selling nonsense products, or teaching nonsense teachings is not New
Thought. Nonsense teachings are like the dancing clowns that
distract compassionate caretakers enabling alligators in scenic lakes to devour
their children.
They are not worth the price paid because they are more likely to
mislead and delude than to enlighten and empower.
While New Age
hucksters flog Crystal Colonics, we are New Thought, not New Age.
Some folks may fool themselves into believing that
meditation upon a crystal in their rectums is opening the door to
success, but this is simply nonsense. Such shaped
crystals may slide in easily when lubricated, but are simply hard rocks that smell bad when
they are removed from the nether regions. The motor teaching of New Thought is that "as we
change our thinking, we change our lives." We don't need nonsense
to share this truth.
The only challenge for some spiritual leaders
is that heads placed in the nether regions may take more effort to
remove than shaped stones. Like the foul fragrance of stones
used for Crystal Colonics, the consequence of having ones head so
positioned is "stinking thinking" which is neither scientific nor
spiritual. If the reader is aware of someone practicing Crystal
Colonics or whose head is so positioned, please demonstrate some
compassion by helping such individuals to bring these objects to the
light, sanitize them and cease such practices.
New Thought Truth Principles appeal to
intelligent compassionate souls. Nonsense appeals to those
seeking easy answers who are willing to ignore the truth.
While the ignorant, or those who are "blind believers," might accept
anything; New Thought Leaders are tasked to present Truth Teachings.
Pushing "nonsense teachings" is not New Thought. While lies may be a
vehicle for making money, they cannot be purveyed as New Thought because lies are not
truth. New Thought Millennials are not interested in nonsense teachings
which do not have a scientific basis. Teach New Thought and drop
the nonsense.
While many leaders trained in the New Thought movement of the late 20th Century teach "tithing",
late New Thought adherents don't appear to practice what they preach. While
late New Thought communities tithe
in compliance with contracts to their 'parent institutions', the vast majority do not contribute
time and energy locally to nurture those in need, nor tithe to efforts and institutions that support their existence.
One can easily verify this truth by looking through the New Thought Directory and observing how many communities subsist on charity.
When 50% of those listings are sponsored, we will see growth in the New
Thought movement that will replace the 49% lost since the onset of the
New Millennium and an additional increase of 300% in the founding and
growth of novel New
Thought communities.
The writers must draw the readers'
attention to a time in which I was interning with Dr. Avalon and
listened to a minister from Colorado doing verbal backflips to
rationalize her desire to get updates and support for free when it was
quite obvious that her community could easily sponsor the listing
which featured her. While Doc was willing to rationalize that this
"poor" soul was lost, I must say that she was not lost. The
Colorado pastor had found herself in the hell of her own creation
through an inability to practice actual New Thought principles.
Going through the and other New Thought directories tells a story about
New Thought leadership trained in the late 20th Century. It is a
story of the abandonment of New Thought principles and consequent
poverty and subsistence on charity. I wish I could say otherwise,
but that is the truth. Next time someone asks "why is New Thought
growing while attendance at New Thought Communities keeps shrinking?"
Send them to the New Thought Directory system and they will see one of
the reasons why.
As New Thought Leaders, we are tasked to convey Truth Teachings.
We are not asked to prevaricate or embrace dismal lies about future
apocalypse. We are tasked to work today, in the NOW, and thereby
to create a better tomorrow for all souls. This means we must
discard destructive patterns rooted in the Dominator paradigm and teach
the Partnership paradigm which is rooted in truth and science. If
you do not understand what these paradigms are, then it is time to read
the works of Rianne Eisler.
cannot lie about the challenges we face or problems of today. We
are witnesses to truth and tasked to teach the truth. In the
face of Global Climate Chaos, we are tasked to encourage the creation of
renewable energy resources. Confronted with the fact that past
collisions of asteroids have wiped out all life on earth, we are tasked
with the creation of solar system wide detector systems that can provide early warning of
impending problems, in combination with technology to prevent them.
Awakening to the reality that earthquakes can lead to devastating
tsunamis, we are tasked to create warning systems to enable endangered
populations to remove themselves from their path. When
someone asks why a society is 'wasting money on volcano monitoring,' you
know that person needs help, he or she is sorely lacking in education
and wisdom.
Spiritual leadership is not about following trends, it is about being on
the forefront of teaching higher thought and present wisdom. Those
who watch the pain and oppression of others, and do nothing, are not
leaders, they are simply observers, or worse they are followers.
Stand up for that which is good. Do not lie or attempt to say that
what is bad is the same as what is good. Assault, Rape, Murder and
Abuse are not good. Environmental degradation is not good. Global
Climate choas is not good. Terrorism is not good.
Mary Baker Eddy and her Eddyists might say "It's all good." That
is a Christian Science teaching, not a New Thought aphorism.
Unlike Christian Science, New Thought does not reject medicine, or
reject healing through enhancing the immune system. New Thought is not
illusionist. New Thought is not Christian Science. New Thought is
Wisdom. Wisdom is the combination of knowledge with compassion.
Another name of for New Thought is Truth Teachings.
If you are a New Thought Leader don't teach nonsense teachings, whether
they are old or new, they are not truth. Global
Climate chaos is real. If you don't know that, perhaps it is time
to embrace a different spiritual path. New Thought was created by
suffragettes and abolitionists. If you don't support women's
reproductive rights and Human Rights, perhaps it is time to find a
different path. New Thought is about truth and human rights.
If you cannot deal with the truth, or you cannot stand up for human
rights, New Thought is not the path for you.
Recently there have been
a lot of incursions into New Thought by those who would push Eddyism to
replace truth teachings. New Thought is not Christian Science and
Christian Science is not New Thought. If you have a problem with
that fact, get busy reading the history of New Thought. At times
Wikipedia is edited by people with agendas or people who don't know the
truth. Get busy and get educated. After all this is New
Thought, not New Ignorance. Ignorance is not new and does not demand
thought or work. It is easy to be ignorant, just as it is easy to
lack compassion.
People have heard the story about the soldier who lost his home due to foreclosure while fighting terrorism, or the woman who was assaulted.
When these folks went to a spiritual leader of lower consciousness, they
were asked: "What did you do to bring that into your consciousness?"
This story relates a real phenomena in which the victim was blamed by a
minister of low consciousness for the crimes committed against him or
her. This type of nonsense teaching is egregious
Blaming the victim is not a New Thought practice.
It simply FU-ism.
If you think that a man murdered by dragging him behind a
pickup truck in Texas was murdered because that man brought such an experience into
his consciousness, you are not a New Thought adherent, you are a FU-ist.
I hope the reader is not a FU-ist, because FU-ism brings dire
consequences. After all one of the most potent spiritual teachings
is: "As you believe, so shall be done unto you."
Fu-ism is not New
Thought. FU-ism does not appeal to many people, certainly not to Millennials.
If you find people in your New Thought community who teach such
things, confront them. If they persist, ask them to leave.
FU-ists teach things such as the
"Ticket System of rebirth" which proposes that people are reborn into
pain and misery because they chose that life for "growth" or to "release
karma." This type of FU-ism is simply a distorted regurgitation of
misunderstood Vedic teachings.
FU-ism is not New Thought. FU-istic teachings are nonsense teachings which do not contribute to
creating a more compassionate world. If a New Thought leader
persists in teaching such things, leave that center because it is
not a real New Thought community. It is FU-istic and FU-ism is a
destructive path to misery. Find a real New Thought community.
You will know that you have found one by the compassionate and caring
behavior of the leaders and members.
New Thought
adherents are discerning and generally well informed. While
Average Joe, and Average Jane may not be aware of spiritual teachings,
or religions other than their own. Good New Thought Leaders are
aware and informed about the world's faiths and spiritual paths.
New Thought adherents are generally more informed than the average
citizen. If a person is a "know nothing" or a "no nothing!" that
person is not a New Thought adherent. New Thought adherents are more likely to question
practices which are abusive, and teachings which do not makes sense or
tend to create discord. It does not matter if
such teachings come from the United States, China, the Middle East, or anywhere else.
Any teaching which conflicts with the UDHR is invalid and must be
There are no exceptions to the truth. Some people
would like to say that something is "truthful" or has "truthiness," but
being truthful simply means the appearance of truth, wheres
truthiness means "the quality of seeming or being felt to be true, even
if not necessarily true." Actual
truth is truth. Falsehood and truth are like oil and water, they
do not mix without great effort and generally do not stay fixed in their
Some religions teach Taqiyya, declaring that "lying is
good if circumstances are typically those that advance the cause of
their religion." Such religions teach that "gaining the trust of
non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them
or weaken them by abusing their children and raping their women is a
good thing." Such religions, or interpretations of
religions, are not valid spiritual paths. People believing such
things are known as "People of the Lie."
New Thought adherents must be aware that such deceit
exists and be prepared to take action to protect all children, indeed all
people from exploitation by the People of the Lie. Human rights are only safe if they are exercised and
protected. Protection demands awareness. Trust but verify.
Never allow any excuses for the violation of human rights. Never
allow for any group to exploit religion or race to victimize others.
New Thought does not blame the victim or exalt the abuser.
Do not blame the victim or through silence allow for others to do so. Be a leader,
not a member of the mob. BE LOVE. Love is the opposite of
fear. Be aware that some people practice Taqiyya, but do not let
this interfere with having a good relationship with them. Just
beware that such people are inherently unreliable and by definition
dishonest. Be insightful and discerning. Be love and
be the change you wish to see in the world.
People who have grown up without any need to learn how to earn money because they have always been comfortably numb
due to trust funds are not capable of teaching Prosperity to those who were not born with the same advantage. People who have never had to work except as a hobby are not
really qualified to teach actual Prosperity Principles to people who
earn a living. Proper Prosperity teachers are those people who have demonstrated
entrepreneurial vigor, rising from poverty to prosperity.
Understand that actual prosperity can be observed when the entire society is prosperous, all the children are fed, have good medical and dental care
and the elderly live joyfully in their final years. Societies that
support their citizens with proper education including university are
demonstrating prosperity. Societies that provide their citizens
with complete healthcare, including dental care are prosperous.
Societies that pretend to provide but in reality provide only more
burdens of debt are not truly prosperous; such societies are simply
providing a vehicle for the prosperity of a few.
Those people who teach selfishness, greed and a disregard for others do not make good spiritual teachers.
If you find yourself at a center led by a FU-ist, it will often be
filled with people lacking in compassion. Don't expect such people
to care about you when you have a challenge, or when you are in pain.
They can't care until they wake from their FU-istic delusions.
Leave such communities because such people are dead to the world.
"Let the dead bury the dead." Walk away and find a real New Thought
Community. New Thought Communities teach compassion, caring,
sharing and daring. If you can't find one, create one.
FU-ism is a teaching of destruction and misery. New Thought is a
creative teaching that values life, is centered in compassion and
thereby manifests peace, and shared prosperity.
Choose teachers who can teach actual Prosperity Principles and are
working to create a more compassionate world.
Some ministers spend all their time memorizing the words of dead 'masters' while failing to develop any consistent philosophy which aligns with the
Message of New Thought..
Being a parrot is not going to lead to progressive success. Dead writers
will not be creating any more New Thoughts. They are dead. Their books
are useful in so far as they stimulate development of personal New
Thought understanding, but don't fall into the trap of thinking that New Thought mastery can be achieved through thumping old books.
Learn, grow and above all "practice what you preach." This is the meaning of
"change your thinking, change your life." Being a good parrot is not useful for a generation of millennials who have access to the internet. We don't need your repetition of your
dead master's words. We are looking for self mastery
and teachings that are not regurgitations. There is another word for
regurgitation: Vomit. No one likes vomit. It is a sign of
If you choose to be a parrot, then all you have to offer is a beak and a
bill. We don't want to listen to your squawks, chirps, or tweets
and then get an invoice for our time wasted listening to your uncreative
attempts at entertainment. If you are a parrot,
be a dutiful servant of your dead master, tweet affirmations of your
master's works, and don't waste our time inviting us to your talks. At least your master was original!
TToday there are numerous New Age teachers who teach a surfeit of nonsense which
they seek to prove through pseudo-science. This is
unnecessary and abusive. We are New Thought, not New Age.
There is a big difference! New Thought embraces science and
medicine. We learn herbal medicine and naturopathy. We do
not fight with allopaths; we are not the
easy dupes who do not immunize our children. We are not followers
of Eddyism.
We believe in Spiritual Evolution which includes
Darwin's evolution. If you are teaching creationism, don't call it
New Thought. Creationism is neither new, nor true. With so
much paradigm shifting science, there is no reason for nonsensical explanations that twist basic physics into knots in attempts to explain miracles. Millennials want truth which supports creating a better life for ourselves and others. We are not interested in hearing a bunch of nonsense grounded in your superficial understanding of physics, or your
inability to understand genetics or epigenetics.
Above all
remember that while you may memorize the gospels, suras, sutras or
upanishads, all of your well rehearsed quotes about why we should give you our money when you don't even support your own movement
are meaningless drivel, not New Thought.
We expect New Age teachers
to use complicated corruptions of Quantum Physics and odd interpretation
of epigenetics in their efforts to Flim Flam their way to fortune.
We laugh about them and their teachings counting ourselves
blessed that we are not living in decadent nations where nonsense
teachings must be adhered to, or people risk losing their lives if they
don't adhere to the mullahs' concepts.
New Thought is a path that
is true to science. It is a path of truth, not half truths, nor
nonsense. New Thought is a path that embraces the evolution of
thought, evolution of form and when life is challenging, we take action
to overcome those challenges. We understand the cognitive
psychology that is the foundation of Spiritual Mind Treatment. We
experience the power of meditation and visualization. We are growing and learning
throughout our lives. We are committed to sharing our insights and
thereby empowering those who come to our path. We affirm our
commitment as
spiritual leaders who embrace the concept of Spiritual Evolution.
SSpiritual Leaders are
tasked with recognition that Climate Chaos is leading to mass migration
and in order to preserve civil society which provides the key for humans
to survive and thrive, we must encourage the creation of solutions that
enable displaced populations to move to countries consummate with the
levels of consciousness their cultures have inculcated. While
Pacific Islanders can easily integrate into countries such as New
Zealand which have societies supportive of their cultures, it would be
inappropriate to move them to countries rooted in cultures which have
not recognized the highest spiritual truth embodied within the UDHR.
Likewise migrants from lands with cultural and religious constraints
should be moved to similar countries that share such cultural and
religious traditions. As robotic technology increasingly replaces
human labor, advanced societies which have embraced the UDHR have less
opportunities for those without the education necessary to employment.
In addition to this challenge, social scientists have recognized that
while culinary choices can be increased through immigration, civil
societies can become destabilized through the acceptance of large
numbers of individuals who do not have a compelling interest in accepting the
cultural norms of their host nations which are essential to the maintenance of civil society.
It is particularly apparent that individuals migrating from societies rooted in patriarchal
patterns that have pedagogical systems that encourage disrespect and even
violence toward women, people who identify as LGBT, or adherents of
religious or spiritual views that differ from those views enforced
through laws and codes in the decadent societies that dominate their
homelands have great difficulty letting go of such decadent mindsets.
Civil Societies have ongoing group sessions
supporting people who have been in abusive relationships, as well as
group sessions in Anger Management. It is easier to help survivors
awaken to their situations than to get abusers to change their
patterns of abuse. A New Thought community sponsoring such therapy
had a participant in the Anger Management
sessions who was an old military guy. He had learned abusive patterns to the
extent that he had tattoos all over himself which were mementos of violent
acts committed against others. He had learned to wear long sleeve
shirts to cover his tats. He graduated from the program, then one
day returned. He had a new tattoo of a woman hanging from her
breasts. We all knew what this meant.
As mentioned above, wisdom = knowledge + compassion.
This is why those who fly in commercial jets are advised that in the
event of decompression, they should first put on their oxygen masks,
before attempting to place oxygen masks upon dependents.
Co-creation means working together for the benefit of all
There is a tale of an elderly woman of
great wisdom and soulful beauty. She could tell many stories
rooted in the myths of ancient cultures. She was particularly fond
of nordic and celtic mythology. As she grew older, she began to
forget the hard lessons learned from her past. In her exuberance
to "save the lost and suffering souls" she invited the homeless
wanderers into her abode. When her grandchildren complained of being
molested at night, she answered: "Those are the exceptions and they need
only be admonished and they will behave." When her children
complained that it was no longer pleasant to visit her because of her
new residents, she answered: "They are not visitors, they are now part
of our life." When the police came and found her dead, it was too
late and since she had deeded her property to the residents, they were
the owners and her children had nothing to inherit.
A diverse multicultural world is a wonderful thing.
Those lands in Asia, Africa and Europe which have distinct cultures and
peoples must be supported so that the coming generations can enjoy the global
diversity which we enjoy today. It is incumbent upon all
leaders, but especially spiritual leaders, to recognize that peoples
forming such cultures deserve protection from mass migration which could
lead to the destabilization of the socieities they have formed and
destruction of the cultures which have birthed them.
The lessons of the destruction of the indigenous peoples of the Americas
must not be forgotten with regard to the issues of mass migration today.
While some political elites seek potential profit through lower wages
that are the consequence of migration of people from countries with low
wages and little or no benefits consummate with advanced civil society,
such manipulations of economy result in the disempowerment of indigenous
citizens of the targeted societies.
Civil Societies around the
globe are experiencing technological leaps that will result in advanced
robotics. This means the great challenge for governance of
tommorrow will include how societies which have no need for labor can
provide living standards and lifestyles for all their citizens, not
simpy a privileged few.
Today Civil Societies must
lead the world to quelling unnecesary conflicts and when dealing with
mass migration must support those people's coming from decadent
societies to find places in similar societies. This will avoid the
consequent internal dissent which can
result in terrorism and revolution. This is neither compassionate
to the migrants nor the indigenous citizens. Democracy is not top
down rule. Leadership is not about simply doing what one
things is right for the world while ignoring the rights and wishes of
ones own citizens. Societies in which the police routinely murder
their citizens are not demonstrating excellence. Societies which
are stable should be thankful for this and socieites which need to
heal existing problems must solve those problems before attempting
to solve the problems of others. New Thought adherents
are sensitive to these issues encouraging diversity while protecting
indigenous rights.
Millennials see Buddhists sharing the Dharma, Christians sharing the Gospels,
Pagans sharing the Principles, and others sharing their religious paths.
Those adherents believe in their spiritual teachings and because they teach wisdom,
which is the combination of knowledge with compassion, they are growing.
Communities that care, are communities that grow.
If you want to grow, have some faith in what you teach,
make sure it is rooted in compassion and
build upon that as the basis for community.
If you want to equivocate and cannot embrace the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the highest truth that has
come to humanity through humanity; if you cannot awaken to the fact that
New Thought is the highest truth, perhaps it is not the path for you.
If however, you know that New Thought is the truth and that love is the
answer, then it is time to step forward and be the change you wish to
see in the world joining with like minded souls in the creation of a
more compassionate world.
Responsibility for the decline of attendance at late New Thought Centers,
is on the shoulders of those who have abandoned New Thought to embrace
FU-istic philosophy. People want New Thought, not nonsense teachings.
Those who have failed to grow in consciousness, or who have acquiesced
to those who have taught nonsense which is not that which elevates,
empowers and supports the creation of a more compassionate world, are
responsible for the decline in attendance.
Help such lost souls to discard self delusion and look in the mirror.
If you realize that your New Thought community is led by a New Age
teacher of nonsense, or someone lacking in compassion, help such people
move on. If you find that your teachers are incompetent and thus
teach nonsense instead of New Thought, ask "what institution did you attend?"
Then avoid those institutes.
Such institutions are too expensive and not worth the price of tuition.
Graduates that do not demonstrate any great degree of mastery,
wasted their time and will waste yours. Help New Thought grow by
helping leadership focus on Truth Teachings.
Help your spiritual leaders understand that you are
aware of the UDHR, spiritual evolution, and that New Thought embraces
science. This is what makes New Thought unique and better than old
nonsense. If you believe that New
Thought is the solution to the challenges of the world, do not complain
about cheaper institutions, create your own institute and teach
on a 'love offering' basis.
Have the faith to teach what you
believe with such conviction that those attending will be happy to
contribute because they share your faith and believe in its extension.
If your teachings are truly inspirational, they will inspire
contributions and you will not need to ask. Great Spiritual Leaders
give away their truth because they know that if it has great value,
those who learn from them have no choice but to support them.
Seekers who are learning and grateful for what they are learning, feel a
need to continue learning and so they extend support to the teacher.
With such a massive shrinkage of attendance that 49% of New Thought
Communities have closed their doors, it is time to graduate from
your most "esteemed" institutes
and live in this world teaching that which works.
The greatest Spiritual Teachers
do not become great through schools, or memorizing books. They are
great because they live their teachings and through this they change
themselves and their actions generate positive change in the world.
The great New Thought teachers of today were either mentored into
ministry, or they are writers of books who never attended Divinity
Return to a mentor system and emulate plasmid exchange
to propagate your "philosophy, religion and way of life."
Do not try to create institutes believing they will rival the ancient
schools of Oxford, Harvard, Heidelberg, the Carolinska Institute or Max
Planck. Keep it simple. Teach principles. Teach New
Thought. Be responsible enough to know that if you love these
teachings, live these teachings, then share these teachings responsibly,
there is no limit to your inner peace and outer prosperity.
Get real and make it a good deal. If you believe in what you teach,
if you really think New Thought is an essential teaching for the world today,
then demonstrate this belief and everything you need will manifest.
There is an ancient teaching: "First seek the Kingdom within, then all shall
be added to you." Thus if you believe in what you are teaching, teach!
The best way for the growth of attendance is to give away what you think
is good and according to the Law of Circulation it will return to you multiplied.
Or don't you believe what you preach?
The massive shrinkage in attendance at late New Thought centers is also due to the fact that
Abel Allen's 1914 Message of New Thought
has been conveniently forgotten by those late New Thought leaders whose
communities are collapsing. Such leaders have set this message aside, to focus on what some early New Thought
writers called "Priestcraft." If you have not read this book, it
is time to read it.
New Thought Millennials believe in the
UDHR and Universal Spiritual Principles. If you want us to come to your center, show that you practice what you preach! And hang a copy of the
UDHR behind your podium so that it is visible to the congregation at all times!
And do us all a favor, drop the nonsense and have enough belief in what you are teaching to know it is great! And please, please, please don't try to sell us treatments on a crystal bed or classes which sound like introductions to Scientology. If we want to learn Scientology, we will get audited.
And if you are going to invite us to attend your "Transdenomination!", at least have the temerity to
dress like Dr. Frank N. Further, a self-proclaimed "sweet transvestite from Transsexual, Transylvania".
Some claim "Transdenomination" was coined by a popular New Thought Minister. Other people feel the term is absurd, but it is popular for the moment. (2016)
There are many wonderful New Thought organizations with diverse root texts and a variety of approaches to those texts and distinct methods of teaching.
Explore different New Thought beliefs and choose the approach that best suits you.
While we are aware that the majority of people who choose the New Thought Path do not find a New Thought Community that suits their sensibilities, we encourage you to visit the different centers.
New Thought Topic
New Thought Principles of the New Millennium
1. We affirm the Divine as That That Is, Good, Mind, Infinite Being, Spirit, Ultimate Reality.
2. We affirm that the name we give the Divine does not define, nor change the truth, rather names only define the giver and his or her relationship to reality.
3. We affirm that the Divine is Good, is love, supreme, universal, and everlasting.
4. We affirm the unity of humanity with the Divine, in that the divine nature dwells within and expresses through each of us, by means of our acceptance of it, as Good including health, supply, wisdom, love, life, truth, power, beauty, and peace.
5. We affirm the power and potency of meditation and spiritual practices.
6. We affirm the capacity of each person to have divine and mystical experiences, and enjoy Divine Grace.
8. We celebrate the diversity of the global genome and within our species by being the Divine loving and compassionate presence in all that we do and through seeing the Divine in all whom we encounter.
9. We affirm the Divine as a creative force defined through co-creation, therefore all souls are responsible to insure their being is one that contributes to highest good.
10. We affirm that we are living in an energetic spiritual universe composed of energy vibrating at different speeds. Our universe is undergirded by laws which we seek to understand through science and art, including physics, mathematics and oral and written expressions such as poetry, drama and storytelling.
11. We affirm that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience and as we come into alignment with the laws of the universe, we harmonize with That That is and can thus heal, prosper, and live in balance and peace.
12. We affirm that our mental states are carried forward into manifestation and become our experience in daily living.
13. We affirm the truth of Spiritual Evolution as outpictured through physical evolution and that this evolution is both universal and individual as evidenced by our evolving consciousness which is both defined and reflected by our beliefs.
14. We affirm the expression of the highest spiritual principle is found in unconditional love, mutual respect for the Universal Human Rights as defined in the
15. We affirm that the deepest truth and highest wisdom is expressed through compassionate action which promotes highest good; that through sharing New Thought principles, focusing on health and harmony, we are creating heaven on earth right now.
16. We affirm that the various cultures throughout the world have manifested teachers which have taught principles that can be ascertained to be valid through the consciousness such Ancient Wisdom promotes and the actions that result from such consciousness.
17. We affirm the truth of the teaching "As above, so below," meaning that it is up to us to co-create and cooperate in confirming the manifestation of the "Kingdom of Heaven" here and now through our consciousness and compassionate action.
This basic premise of New Thought, that the Divine is Good and Omnipresent is based upon universal spiritual principles as demonstrated and taught by historical figures such as Buddha, Danika, Lao Tzu, and Jesus the Christ. It is understood there are many "Wayshowers." The strength of the teaching of a particular Wayshower is demonstrated through the consciousness and actions of the followers of that path. The adherents of each spiritual path are collectively responsible to the rest of humanity and all life to insure that the expression of their path is not abusive or violent nor violates the rights of other beings.
As mentioned above, New Thought is inclusive and draws on the wisdom of all traditions that teach the truth of our Unity with God/Good and the omnipresence of God/Good.
Explore the Rainbow of New Thought Beliefs / Discover your Truth!
New Thought supports us on our individual journey of personal spiritual evolution.
New Thought Spiritual Practices support us to transform our thinking and thereby transform our lives.
New Thought is neither Abrahamic, nor Vedic. New Thought is unique in that a person may come from any religious background and does not need to belong to any of the four Abrahamic religions or any of the Hindu (Vedic) religions. There are New Thought Taoists and New Thought Buddhists. What New Thought adherents have in common is a belief in Universal Spiritual Principles.
There are New Thought Buddhists, New Thought Taoists and New Thought Pagans who have would never call themselves Christian, nor claim any Abrahamic influence whatsoever. They accept that New Thought Abrahamics (Jews, Christians, Mohammedans, Mormons), and New Thought Vedics share the same Universal Principles of New Thought but would never characterize themselves as Abrahamic.
It is understood that New Thought is a unique and powerful spiritual path which can characterized as a religion having its own spiritual practices and beliefs. Some in New Thought prefer to claim they have no beliefs and choose to express their beliefs as "knowing."
It is understood there are many "Wayshowers." The strength of the teaching of a particular Wayshower is demonstrated through the consciousness and actions of the followers of that path. The adherents of each spiritual path are collectively responsible to the rest of humanity and all life to insure that the expression of their path is not abusive or violent nor violates the rights of other beings.
There are even New Thought Fundamentalists who believe that "nothing is real and everything is in your mind." These folks share many thought patterns and behaviors with other Fundamentalists around the globe. Such extreme beliefs are held by a fraction of New Thought adherents.
As one learns in the beliefs section, New Thought is inclusive and draws on the wisdom of all traditions that teach the truth of our Unity with God/Good and the omnipresence of God/Good. It is not
Explore New Thought Practices
This is an independent open source New Thought Resource
Use of New Thought Resources are subject to the
We are not affiliated with late New Thought Transdenominations: Neither United or International Centers for Spiritual Living, nor Unity, DivineUnity, UFBL or Divine Science.
We serve all New Thought Communities regardless of their affiliation or independence.
We serve all Science of Mind & Religious Science Centers including those calling themselves Centers For Spiritual Living regardless of their independence or affiliation.
Serving New Thought provides support to all New Thought Communities regardless of their independence or affiliation.
New Thought Day was declared by James Edgerton on August 23rd, 1915
During research while expanding the free New Thought Library,
one of the ministers came across an interesting quote from early New Thought Alliance President James A. Edgerton:
"'The truth, once announced, has the power not only to renew but to extend itself.
New Thought is universal in its ideals and therefore should be universal in its appeal.
Under the guidance of the spirit, it should grow in good works until it embraces many lands and eventually the whole world.'
New Thought Day, August 23rd
, 1915."
Listen to New Thought Radio broadcasts from the New Thought Streams PodCast Archive,
along with a growing collection of New Thought Music directly from New Thought Artists around the world.
"'The truth, once announced, has the power not only to renew but to extend itself.
New Thought is universal in its ideals and therefore should be universal in its appeal.
Under the guidance of the spirit, it should grow in good works until it embraces many lands and eventually the whole world.'
~ James A. Edgerton, New Thought Day, August 23rd, 1915."
Explore the New Thought Tao and discover deeper wisdom.
New Thought has many forms, Taoist New Thought brings insights to the table that are not so apparent in Abrahamic forms. While many Abrahamics fight to impose their views on the rest of the world. Taoist New Thought teaches the way of acceptance and understanding. Principles in the New Thought Tao provide powerful processes which serve as keys to deeper happiness and inner peace from the inside out.
New Thought conferences from various New Thought denominations and organizations are happening all ove rthe world. Whether late New Thought or New Thought Today, find conference info about New Thought Conferences!.
New Thought Solutions for New Thought Sharers and New Thought Communities. Empowerment programs that awaken us to the co-creative "Power of We."
Grow and thrive sharing a rainbow of New Thought wisdom with the world.
A growing collection of New Thought books from Today's New Thought Leaders.
Many New Thought books lack the marketing necessary to get them in front of you, with New Thought Books INFO those writers to find you and you to find those writers...
Live your higher consciousness! Trust in the Divine!
Do not falter in your steps to demonstrate higher consciousness.
Success comes to those who are fearless in their commitment to their faith.
Affirm Prosperity!
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In-tegrity begins within, the path walked without fear.
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