Life is Continuous.
It proceeds from Divine Life, which is Good in all its manifestations.
There is only one Power in the Universe, the Power we call God.
There is no evil except that which is man-made.
The normal state of man is abounding health.
The Divine Purpose is to express the Joy of Life.
God is all, both invisible and visible.
One Presence, One Mind, One Power is all.
This One that is all is perfect life, perfect love, and perfect substance.
Man is the individualized expression of God and is ever one with this
perfect life, perfect love, and perfect substance.
The foundation truth of Divine Science is that limitless Being, God [Good], is equally present everywhere and is the ALL of everything. God is pure Spirit, absolute, changeless, eternal, manifesting in all creation. "God is everywhere, therefore God is here. What God is is everywhere, therefore what God is is here."--Nona Brooks. The logical conclusion is that there can be no other presence than God-presence; no other power than God-power; no other knowledge than God-knowledge. ---Divine Science Textbook, p. 28
If Good is omnipresent, what becomes of evil? What happens to the darkness which fills a room when the light is turned on? The darkness does not move out and go somewhere else, it simply does not exist in the presence of light. Darkness is not a reality, it is merely the absence of light. In the same way when the individual thought is centered upon the omnipresence of good, evil thought does not move out and continue to exist elsewhere; it simply becomes nonexistent. Evil has no reality within itself; it can have existence only so long as an individual supports it by his belief in it. ---Divine Science Textbook, p. 30-31
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Today there are at least ten different New Thought Denominations, some of which prefer to call themselves "Transdenominations." Although some say this term comes from the Rocky Horror Picture Show:
We believe it was invented by one of the more popular ministers in California.
One must understand that in New Thought there can be a tendency by some well-meaning souls to create new language such as the terms "transdenominational," or "chemiicalization" which conjure up strange imagery. This often springs from well meaning intent to describe things that these people have not learned the language for.
In fact there are many wonderful and diverse organizations within New Thought with distinct approaches to both their methods of teachings and their root texts.
Explore the different belief structures and beliefs of the various denominations and choose the path that best suits you. Although there are some denominations who attempt to avoid the issue of articulating beliefs ...
This is an exploration of the beliefs articulated by various New Thought denominations at some time or other.
New Thought - Divine Science - Divine Unity - Home of Truth - New Thought Alliance - New Thought Affiliates - Religious Science - Science of Mind - Seicho No Ie - Unity - Universal Foundation for Better Living
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New Thought Holidays August 23rdExplore the New Thought Tao and discover deeper wisdom. New Thought has many forms, Taoist New Thought brings insights to the table that are not so apparent in Abrahamic forms. While many Abrahamics fight to impose their views on the rest of the world. Taoist New Thought teaches the way of acceptance and understanding. Principles in the New Thought Tao provide powerful processes which serve as keys to deeper happiness and inner peace from the inside out.
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